Laredo Outlet Photo

Purchase clothing, linen, and bedding by the piece or by the pound. Shop in a climate controlled environment. Rummage through piles of items on tables. Total of 60 tables of product to browse through daily with 9 rotations of new selection each day, every hour. Children under 15 years old are not allowed for safety reasons. 

To ensure everyone has a safe and positive experience, please follow what is not permitted in the store:


  1. Children under the age of 15
  2. Pushing, running, or impeding other customers
  3. Hoarding merchandise or shopping carts
  4. Rude behavior toward customers or Goodwill employees
  5. Shopping tables before instructed by Goodwill employee
  6. Sitting inside shopping carts or laundry baskets
  7. Sleeping or lying on floors or equipment
  8. Putting unpurchased merchandise on floors
  9. Consuming food or drink prior to payment
  10. Reserving merchandise for others
  11. Saving merchandise and leaving store without payment
  12. Bring outside food, drink, or chairs into the store


Customers will be required to leave the store if you violate these rules. Repeated violations will result in your being permanently denied entry to the premises. 


11914 Conly Rd.
Laredo, TX 78045
United States
