Goodwill San Antonio launches manufacturing boot camp to mend gap in job openings

San Antonio – With mass layoffs happening across the country, Goodwill San Antonio offers an opportunity to people interested in entering the manufacturing industry.
The nonprofit just launched its Manufacturing Bootcamp program, which is a three-week, free training in manufacturing skills such as robotics, safety, basic math and more to get participants closer to certification.
“It helps the community understand what modern manufacturing is like,” said Darren Boarnet with Avanzar Interior Technologies, a company that makes auto parts for Toyota. “Most people have a perception that is well outdated, but programs like this helps give people an idea of what it is going to be like when you get on the job. Manufacturing is not dirty. It is not dark. It is not hundreds of people sitting in a large room anymore. It is production-line work, so it is manufacturing with people doing assembly work. But it is light, clean and there is space for people to work comfortably.”
For more information, candidates can contact Goodwill San Antonio at (726) 266-8903 or via email at
Original story posted on KSAT 12 here.