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Smiles of Goodwill - Meet Donald

Meet Donald! 👋

In honor of Black History Month, we’re celebrating Donald Smith, a dedicated leader at Goodwill San Antonio. Donald started as a cashier in 2009, and through hard work, grew into his current role as a Floating Manager.

Beyond his leadership, Donald is a member of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) panel, and a champion of our Voices of Veterans group. His energy, positivity, and love for the Goodwill community make him a true inspiration.

“I appreciate being a part of the DEI panel," said Donald. "I have learned a lot, and it has helped me with understanding my Team Members and has given me a greater appreciation that each person brings to the table."

Thank you, Donald, for being an amazing asset to Goodwill San Antonio!

#SmilesOfGoodwill #80YearsOfChangingLives